You can’t get there from here

Like most men, I did it in protest. I asked for directions. The event preceded GPS, even MapQuest. And my knowledge of the backroads of Ripley County, Indiana betrayed my summer farm construction employment. I approached him in one of our Ford work trucks and the farmer looked friendly enough. That is not as much

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A disordered quiz

How many of these describe you? –You have a hard time waiting the five seconds it takes to “skip advertisement” before watching an internet video. –Sometimes you eat meals while driving to an appointment you’re late for. –When a crisis occurs you think, “Not today.” –There are things in your house that should be fixed,

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How to pray for the Superbowl

This Sunday millions of people will take part in a long tradition of celebration and social interaction. There will be food to eat and alcohol to drink. Some will wear their favorite clothing for the event. Some will cheer loudly while others, absorbed by the pageantry of the event, will sit quietly. There will be

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Rolling the dice with your future?

I’m a strategy guy. I love games that require calculated moves. Chess and poker apps get loaded on my phone. Rolling dice and picking numbers doesn’t interest me because it’s all about chance. I follow politics more for the campaign tactics than personal hope for any particular candidate. I appreciate sports commentators who dissect the

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